Understanding Emotional Intelligence in High-Performance Sales People

What are some of the aspects of emotional intelligence that differentiate the high performing sales people from the rest? Here we examine 5 key traits of great sales people.

  • Intuition & Empathy. This is the salesperson’s awareness of the prospect’s feelings, needs, and concerns. This competency is important in a sales role for the following reasons:
    1. Attitude toward others: one’s ability to look positively and objectively upon others.
    2. Understanding others: an intuitive sense of a prospect’s and/or customer’s feelings and perspectives and showing an active interest in their needs.
    3. Customer service orientation: the ability to anticipate, recognize, and meet customers’ needs.

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Marketing Basics

images Marketing Basics (For non-marketers)

This article is aimed at people who are completely new to the world of marketing, or who are not at all sure about what marketing means to their business.

So, we’re going right back to marketing basics here.  But, having said that, you’d be surprised how many of the so-called marketing “hot shots” forget the basics (or never knew them in the first place) and keep tripping over themselves as a result.

Please remember, this is a just a basic guide – not a manual on marketing techniques and strategies.  It is designed to get you pointed in the right direction with your marketing efforts and to ensure that you have your plan for the next month, the next quarter, and the whole year, documented… written down.Continue Reading